“The best thing about dreams is that fleeting moment, when you are between asleep and awake, when you don't know the difference between reality and fantasy, when for just that one moment you feel with your entire soul that the dream is reality, and it really happened.”


Thursday, December 3, 2009

I graduated, thank you

Have just got my result today.
Good new, I passed everything which makes me an official B.Com.
Thank God for this wonderful outcome after every unfortunate things that have happened lately.

3 years have gone.
That long was my journey to get an additional bit behind my name.
I've been through ups and downs.
So many tears I have cried for this.
12 seasons in Melbourne.
And now, let me present.......

Maria Teresa Vania Sumargo, B.Com.

However, apparently there are 2 of my friends who didnt pass.
I havent called them. I only know this info from a *quite* reliable source.
A birdie told me;p
Maybe I will call them by tomorrow morning. See how everything goes.
Maybe they can apply for "Near Pass"
That's Monash Uni giving us a we-wont-rip-more-of-your-money-because-this-is-your-last-subject chance.

what is interesting is that, I was telling another friend about this.
I explained to her that Monash has this we-wont-rip-more-of-your-money-because-this-is-your-last-subject chance called Near Pass.
I explained that student who got 45-49 can apply for it *of course because 50 is a pass*
She said, "No!!it's only for 48 and 49 student because Miss X should had graduated together with me on 2007 only that she got 47, applied for NP and got rejected. So, Miss X graduated on the next batch"
I was thinking wow wow wowww...I am living in a society where you carry bad and shameful things to your grave. It stick to you like flies/rat glue.
haha -.-"
Im not saying that this friend of mine is a bad girl.
I can totally understand her, because that's just the way this society is working.
What a cruel society I am living in.

Anyway, let me present here once again.....

Maria Teresa Vania Sumargo, B.Com
First born of Mr and Mrs Sudarto Sumargo

Excuse mua????doesnt that look like the printing on wedding invitation??
Holy crap!!;p
det dotttttttttttttttttt!!!~~


Valen-CIA said...

wah really van??
congrats yaaaa!!!! :D

-JJ- 黄天龙 said...

congratulations to both of us! :)

VaniGo said...

@valen: thank youu..mari kita rayakan dengan karaoke 4 jam..hahaha

@jj: thank youu *to both of us* lohh??!!;p