I have just found out that one of my friend had just had her breast operated.
Not cancer, just a lump but still that was a strange thing in your body which in the future might *or might not* grow into a cancer.
I confirmed to another friend what was actually happened.
Grey's Anatomy come to the rescue...=)
A friend gave her grey's anatomy.
What happened was this friend of mine knew something felt so weird with her boobs but only after watching grey's anatomy that she realised thing maybe that bad.
That is actually the episodes where an old lady came to the hospital saying something is wrong with her boobs and this episode just happened to be similar to my friend's case that she went to see a doctor..
So happeningg..!!
God has His own plan, His own ways, His own time.
Human can make thounsands of plans, but none of them can override God's.
This friend of mine for example.
Who wants to have problems like hers??
That was every girls' bad dream. Noone wants to have any lump on her breast.
That will not make a woman Not-woman..at least in my opinion.
But still, it might bring any psychological effect as we live in Indonesia where people's opinion dictates the way we have to behave.
I am amazed..I am truly truly amazed.
God is good. God is amazing.
Who would think that one episode of a drama can save my friend's life??
I guess this might have happened a lot of times but this time it happened in front of me.
I witnessed the goodness of God.
Everything happen in His time...
Im still amazed..No words can describee..
One lesson I got here,
Believe in God..
Have faith in Him and everything is gonna be fine because He has good plan and not a plan of destruction..
Another lessonn......
It's good, people..
And its usefulness is pro..hahaha=p
PS: Dedicated to my friend Valen..
Everything is gonna be fine darl..Jesus loves u..and so do I..=)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
A journey of faith in Jesus
I want to share a very very interesting reflection I heard from a friend who got this from a priest and she really did contemplate this.
“Jesus is your GPS”
Yes people, Jesus is your GPS.
“Jesus is your GPS”
Yes people, Jesus is your GPS.
Do you know how GPS work? I bet every people do.
Jesus in some ways guide you throughout your life like GPS do. He will tell you which direction to go, which turn to take, where the round about is, etc. Jesus has the map of your life, all roads and streets you can take.
This friend of mine shared her experience with using a GPS. She knows how to go to the place she usually has her cell group. However, that day, having heard of this reflection, she tried the GPS. What happened was that GPS gave her a different route than the one she usually takes. As she had some spare time she thought she might as well try this different route. This route was a total different from the route she is familiar with but having said that she tried to “have faith” in the GPS and start following the route it gave her. While driving she was contemplating about the GPS being the analogy of her journey of faith.
Even when you are still in the womb, Jesus has calculated your route in coming back to Him. Jesus has given you the best possible way to find Him. He does know you and your limit as a human and therefore He calculated roads and street that will not give you obstacles that you cannot deal with. But what always happen is that you are always get distracted with things on the way. You always made your way out of calculated route and even though the GPS has told you “wrong turn..wrong turnn..” you will make that turn anyway because you found something very interesting on that road. Every GPS will re-calculate your route and so does Jesus. He will re-calculate your journey so that you will get back on track. The re-calculation will sometimes take a long time and sometimes not. It will sometimes also direct you to road that you are not familiar with and maybe through road that you find it difficult to deal with. However, be assured that that road will take you to your destination safe and sound for Lord has promised us plans to prosper and no to harm, and a future filled with hope (Jeremiah 29:11).
In the end, my friend chose to go the way the GPS directed her and she arrived safely at her destination. That is exactly how we should keep our faith in Jesus.
When your GPS starts to annoy you turn it OFF but don’t turn Jesus OFF.. Stay tune in Him always =)
Install a new GPS when your old GPS is broken, but never ever “install” a new Jesus because Jesus never obsolete.
Last but not least, Jesus is not a GPS and a GPS is not Jesus. But have faith in Jesus like you do in your GPS.
VaniGo 020509
Thanks to Tina dan tumpangannya pulang dan cerita2 menarik yang selalu di-share sama saya=)
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