“The best thing about dreams is that fleeting moment, when you are between asleep and awake, when you don't know the difference between reality and fantasy, when for just that one moment you feel with your entire soul that the dream is reality, and it really happened.”


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Happy belated bday to me

I was bashed, cold water *in a cold early-spring night*, with egg, and flour..
after pictures and pictures, i took a shower.

out from shower, another round is waiting for me..*and i was helpless*
and so i was covered in tomato sauce and bbq sauce from head to toe.
yeah, my dear friends did that..

So, that incident plus chocolate cake and another cheesecake marked my 21st bday.
a special day, for most people.
anyway, i hate my 21st bday.
not because i dont want to live *for goodness sake!!*
i am just not ready with the responsibilities, life challenge, burden that comes with the number two-enty-one;p

and so, there are questions that come with those reasons for not enjoying my two-enty-one-st birthday.
the foremost question was from my bff "what sorts of burden and responsibilities??"
lets take an example, given the exact same situation and same mistake, only that the wrong-doer was 15 yo vs 21 yo. how will people react on each of those situation?

Miss Maria Teresa Vania Sumargo has done, although little *NONE!!* but convincing, research and found out that:
15 yo: "that's alright, she is just 15 yo. understandable. this will be a lesson for her so that she wont do the same mistake when she's all grown-up"
*wow wow wowwwwww...*
21 yo: "she's a dumbass, stupid moron, how old is she??for goodness sake!!she's twenty onee!!"
*hell yeahhh..*

lets make another scenario.........
two unemployed, both are girls, age 21 vs 26.
how will people react??
Again, according to Miss Maria Teresa Vania Sumargo uber-unreal research, *muwahaha* she found out that:
21 yo: she's just 21, she just graduated from uni. more over it is economy downturn. just bear with hear another few months.."
26 yo: she's supposed to have a stable income by now. How could she be unemployed in such a condition. it is economy downturn and she cant even support herself??her parents are still supporting her? oh my goodness"

see the difference noww??

as someone grows, people will start growing expectation of him/her.
as you grow older and older, you have even less and less chance of screwing your life up. which in some condition is inevitable.

nonetheless it's up to that person as to how he/she will react to this burden and responsibilities.
I chose to face this gracefully, happily, and with God. this way, the burden has just suddenly become much lighter..

So, happy 21st bday vania..
and hapy 23rd bday nekkk..;p
i love you nek...hahaha;p

ps: so i already settled my debt of a post on my birthday;p