“The best thing about dreams is that fleeting moment, when you are between asleep and awake, when you don't know the difference between reality and fantasy, when for just that one moment you feel with your entire soul that the dream is reality, and it really happened.”


Friday, December 31, 2010

The standard Questions

The Indonesian has this habit of asking very personal and private questions concerning one's life regardless whether the questions being addressed are appropriate..
The typical questions:
1. Have you have a gf/bf?
2. Where is your gf/bf?
3. Did you gain weight?
4. What is your weight now? *by this point I would say F off if I could*
5. Graduated from uni?what was your GPA?? *what does it have to do with you?*
6. Working now?where?how much is your salary? *I do HATE talking about financial matters to strangers*

Why can't they just leave out this habit of asking private useless questions?
What's with the kaypoh-ness?

Compliment someone all the time without thinking too much; criticize someone only when you have thought about it seven times seven times seven times...


ValenCIA said...

super agree! kayak e mereka ada list 'pertanyaan wajib' macam demikian.

proudweirdo said...

I feel you!

Vani Go said...

yaayy!! *random*
@lulu: kangen luuuuuuu...ke sby donggggggg..hix.