People start to question the cause of his death - a heart attack or being poisoned.
It's been hard enough for those who still live without people making his death a public issue.
Worse come to worst, some people blame his wife's (Angelina Sondakh) change of religion. She was a Christian but since getting married she changed to Moslem.
Some people even go to the extent to send broadcast blackberry message to spread those words.
Hey people, who are we to judge her change of religion?? Who are we to say that all this happened because she shifted from Christian to Moslem??
Have you ever thought that if you say all this happened as a punishment, it means our God is a God who punish His people?? If He is really like that then He might punish you for what you say. What comes around goes around, son!! Talk about this poor family, one day yours might be one.
This is a free country, if one wants to change one's religion, why do you have to care that much. Or maybe do we now have different gods for different religions?? Because I used to think we only have one God only with different names.
This is what my uneducated but unluckily one of my family members sent:
"Apapun di dunia ini bs kita beli,
Bahkan cinta dgn mudah bs di dapat,
Tp Tidak ada seorangpun yg dpt membeli kasih Tuhan !
Dan dpt menjadi seorang Sahabat yg rela memberikan nyawanya untuk mati di atas kayu salib bagi kita.
Qta harus membuka mata untuk melihat kenyataan ini, Angelina Sondakh, lahir dr keluarga Kristen, dibesarkan dgn landasan kekristenan yg kuat, tumbuh menjadi sosok yg pandai karena berkat Tuhan. Ia pernah bersaksi bahwa Tuhan itu luar biasa, bahkan sehari sebelum ia terpilih menjadi Putri Indonesia, ia sempat berpuasa. Intim dgn Tuhan adalah prioritas hidupnya saat itu. Tp setelah ia ada di puncak kesuksesannya, setelah Tuhan mengangkatnya, ia terpesona pada cinta yg dunia tawarkan, Adjie Masaid, adalah pilihan akhirnya, membuat dia membuang Tuhan..:( Saat ini dibalik tangisannya ada rasa penyesalan, bahwa.. 'Seseorang dpt meninggalkan Qta dgn keadaan seperti apapun itu, tp Tuhan yg Qta kenal adlh Tuhan yg selalu ada sekalipun Qta sdh tak lg setia pd-Nya..'
Untuk Adjie Masaid "Rest in Peace" O:)
Untuk Angelina Sondakh "Remember the Grace of Jesus in all the aspect in Ur Life".({}) *Kesedihan yg dia rasakan saat ini sama spt yg Yesus rasakan ketika dia meninggalkanNya.*O:)"
Such a shame my uncle married such a narrow-minded woman at the first place..
ah Fenny ngga ngomong2 nek ada blog jugaa!!!:P
narrow minded indeed. great post btw :D
May God be with you and to give you chances for you to choose :-*
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