“The best thing about dreams is that fleeting moment, when you are between asleep and awake, when you don't know the difference between reality and fantasy, when for just that one moment you feel with your entire soul that the dream is reality, and it really happened.”


Tuesday, June 22, 2010


people made decisions, small ones, big ones.
I have made mine. A very big one, a life-changing decision.
It was not easy to start with. It was a long and painful process before I can say 'OK, I will go back for good'
Believe me, that was not easy.
My life in Melbourne was like living in heaven. I stumbled upon problems, inevitably.
But I cleaned up the mess perfectly, or so I thought.
I messed up my high school life and now I realise I have just few real friends from back then.
All my life is going around my Melbourne friends.
And now that I have to leave here, imagine how this decision hurts me.
But I guess life is a choice. I can choose to life crying over the spilt milk or just go on and just fix every wrongs I have done. I am most likely to choose the later one.

Now that it came closer to the date when I should go home, I, rather unconciously, feel reluctant to do so. I cant make any decisions on simple and small small things.
I cant pick up any date to book ticket. If someone wants to help me PLEASE DO SO!! Any date in 3rd week of July will do...~~
I have no courage to just call the cargo company because it will indicate that I am seriously about to go home. DAMMIT!!!
Why do I become so indecisive?since when?!

Now after struggling with all those things, I start to doubt myself whether I am making the right decision to go home.
I know I haven't done enough effort to say that I can't find a job here.
But I have my parents who want me so bad to go back.
I cant turn down their request because one day, I don't want my brother to come back to Indon.
Multimedia doesn't have that much future in Indon. I don't think that by doing so I am sacrificing my own future, I still have the option to come back here to do my master degree and then find a job here if possible.
Who knows what the future brings?

I just need one more reason for me to stop doubting myself..


Valen-CIA said...

well, the reason to stop doubting yourself is, find your passion of life. It will give you a final destination, and lead you into 'your' own way.
btw van, I'll have my test on July 31st.
And if i and pao, accepted to the uni, we'll move at the end of October. So, see you soon!

Vani Go said...

the worst thing is, i dont know what is my passion..hahaha.
hhmm. your "see you soon" might be one reason to encourage me..;)