“The best thing about dreams is that fleeting moment, when you are between asleep and awake, when you don't know the difference between reality and fantasy, when for just that one moment you feel with your entire soul that the dream is reality, and it really happened.”


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

why did God create this kind of people?

Recently I metand got to know a person who is so arrogant.
That's my judgement.
I'll tell you what she did and I'll let you judge.

Problem 1:
She said she graduated from a university from an english speaking country.
Her title is from a university that is not the expert in the field she was studying.
For example: If I was studying science then I'd be studying at Monash Uni.
And if I was studying commerce I'd be studying at Melb Uni.
But the thing is the uni she attended isn't a well-known uni.
The next problem is she is speaking a BROKEN english.
And if she ever encountered a girl/boy who study in a not-well-known uni, she will put a "stupid" label on him/her.

Problem 2:
She graduated from a field other than IT.
But when there is a computer problem she will act as if she is smarter than the IT engineer.
She even tell the IT engineer what to do and wasn't acting cooperative.

Problem 3:
She put a "not too rich" label to someone.
While the house she's staying in now was bought by her dad and not by her husband.
What label shall we put??

Problem 4:
A friend of her told me that if one of her staff late for 15 minutes she will ask her staff to fill in a "late form"
However, she never filled in any.

I know most of the stories I heard from a 3rd party but the thing is, a lot of people also testified that she is indeed like that.
So, what will you do if you meet a person like that??
How would you feel??
Would you feel what I feel??
Now I feel like pull her hair, kick her ass, slap her.
I'll kill her if I could=p

This world is unfair to those who become the victim..

Anw, for those of you who know who I meant, please do smile, or laugh if necessary


Emmy Chen said...

aku ngekek baca posting yg ini..
wakakakaka... kok kayake km banyak ktemu orang2 nyebelin ya blakangan ini van? ahhahaha :D :D