“The best thing about dreams is that fleeting moment, when you are between asleep and awake, when you don't know the difference between reality and fantasy, when for just that one moment you feel with your entire soul that the dream is reality, and it really happened.”


Monday, May 24, 2010


So, one rainy night at Borders Chadstone.
Three girls were sitting on a super cozy sofa. One was reading National Geographic, the other two were reading hair-styling magazine and gossip magazine.

National-Geographic-Girl = NGG
Hair-styling-girl = HSG

NGG: 'Hey, look at this picture. It is the glacier of Greenland. This looks amazing' *looking at picture of the ice mountain in Greenland*
HSG: 'Yeah it is. Wooww..amazing'
NGG: 'Sadly they starts to melt due to the global warming whatsoever'
HSG: 'Really? Anyway, so Greenland is the time-lining country, yeah?'
NGG: 'What??!!'
HSG: ' The one we learned in elementary school. The country where the time zone is plus-zero'
NGG: *.......thinking hard..........* 'dumbass!!that is GREENWICH!!'


Valen-CIA said...

hoahahahahahah!! iki lucu soroo van!!!

NGG n HSG iku juga akronim yang sangat lucu! :D :D :D :D

sepintas NGG kukira NeGu Girl :p

Vani Go said...

wakakaka..ngomong2 soal negu girl..
kapane tuh aku dikenalno arek sby dsini.trus arek itu tuh punya fb e negu girl..trus akhire tak tanyai, lho dulurmu tah??
trus kapane pas ketemu mbek dee dijawab, iya kenal pas tur bareng.
tak sauti, oh..tak kirain dulurmu.
dee dengan nada super shock ngomong , NGGAK YOOOHH!!..hahaha
aku sampe ngguyu ngakak2..LOL