“The best thing about dreams is that fleeting moment, when you are between asleep and awake, when you don't know the difference between reality and fantasy, when for just that one moment you feel with your entire soul that the dream is reality, and it really happened.”


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The story of ice cream seller and a poor kid

One afternoon, an 8yo boy came to an ice cream shop. Because he was so short, he had to tip on his toe just to see the waitress. He dressed up so ungracefully, so contrary to the nicely fitted ice cream shop.
He asked the waitress, "How much is the sundae cream?".
The waitress said, "five thousand rupiah".
He took some coins from his pocket and started counting while the waitress wait impatiently because behind there was a long line of people with real money who also came to have some ice cream.
Then the boy asked again, "what about the plain cream?". The waitress, looking down at the poor boy, said "It is three thousand five hundred rupiah." and again the boy counted his coins.
Suddenly he made a decision and said, "OK, I'll have the plain cream" and tendered his 3500 rupiah in turn of his ice cream.
After a while, it is time for the waitress to clean the tables. When cleaning the table where the boy sat, she was shocked.
There laid on the table, 2 coins of 500 rupiah, and 5 coins of 100 rupiah (added up to 1500) stacked neatly on the table. The waitress suddenly felt a poignant feeling of sadness and regretfulness.
Actually, that boy could afford a plate of sundae cream. But he sacrificed his own wants for the sake of giving some tip to the waitress and yet she looked down on that boy.

What a beautiful story to teach us how to appreciate all people equally and not the rich only because sometimes the poor are those who know the hardship of life and so, they are more tolerant, more thoughtful to others.
A story to be our wake up call, that we are often times being the waitress. Thinking that we are better than the others, better looking, smarter, richer, know more knowledge while all we do was just making us look like a fool to the world.

I was watching a new Tw drama called Xia yi zhan, xinfu (next stop, happiness).
There were so many sweet lines in the drama that I would like to quote. Unfortunately I forgot some of them. So, let's see what I got here..haha;p
Too bad I can't write the Chinese character..=(

Boy when leaving the girl:
"Ni yi ge ren xiao xin yi dian, you shi jiao wo"
(you be careful when I leave you alone, if anything happen, just call me) aawww..;p

Boy said to the girl:
"Wo xiang gen ni sho. Yi hou, ru guo ni yu dao le shen me wei xian, bu yao jiao BoHoLong, ni zi yao jiao RenGuangXi. Wo jiu hui chu xian, jiu ni de."
(I just want to tell you, if you encounter some trouble, don't call BoHoLong, you just have to call RenGuangXi. I will come, and save you) aawwwww..so sweett;p

That's all I can recall.
The main male character was played by Vaness wu and the girl was played by the same girl who played in The Outsider. Her name is An YiXuan, if Im not mistaken.
This drama is pretty much similar to F4 *especially with Vaness Wu as the main male character..;p*

Anyway, time to go and sleep..


Valen-CIA said...

wah.... 8 yo boy e itu apik van cerita eeeee