“The best thing about dreams is that fleeting moment, when you are between asleep and awake, when you don't know the difference between reality and fantasy, when for just that one moment you feel with your entire soul that the dream is reality, and it really happened.”


Friday, November 6, 2009

with God

What would you do if you fell for a person that you know would never fall for you?
What would you do if you wanted a thing that you can never have?
What would you do if you felt like already having what you want but suddenly it was taken away in a blink of eye?

One thing I know.
I will try so hard.....
To just hanging on.
To walk with head straight up.
To walk with poise.

With God;)


emmy said...

as for me,
i will not hold a very big hope.
coz i know, we cant put our hope all to... human.

put your hope to God,
but be realistic.
if u try so hard but u still cant get it, let go..