“The best thing about dreams is that fleeting moment, when you are between asleep and awake, when you don't know the difference between reality and fantasy, when for just that one moment you feel with your entire soul that the dream is reality, and it really happened.”


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The one with not being a doctor

Why do I not want to be a doctor??

When I was in high school, I attended science class.
I am *am, not was* v v interested in science especially in human biology besides chemistry.
But why did I not choose to be a doctor instead??

Other things being equal, I prefer cooking than baking.
Now, what's the connection??
You'll see;p

Being a doctor is like baking cakes.
Once you put the dough in the oven that's it.
Whatever you did wrong, you cannot rectify.
Same with being a doctor.
Once you give wrong medication, it is hard to rectify.
If it was only an aspirin prescription it's OK. *im sure aspirin doesnt need prescription;p*
What if the wrong medication only make the real illness worse.
Take one case.

A lady in her mid 60s keep coughing, and heavy breath.
Her children brought her to a pulmonologist. He is titled professor in pulmonologist. *how cool does that sound?*
The doctor said that was TB.
Tuberculosis (TB) is a common and often deadly infectious disease caused by mycobacteria, usually Mycobacterium tuberculosis in humans.Tuberculosis usually attacks the lungs but can also affect other parts of the body.
(Source: Wikipedia)
He gave this lady a prescription for TB but instead of getting better, the coughing was getting worse.
Her children decided to bring this poor lady to Singapore.
Yes, Singapore;p
It turned out it was a lung cancer.
It was in early stage but the size of the cyst (when you have cancer you also have cyst, eh?anyone to confirm?) was abnormal.
An early stage of lung cancer would not cause that big of a cyst.
Further investigation by the Singapore doctor said that the TB prescription had caused the cyst to become that big.

That was a bad case turns good.
Bad case turns worse??there is!!
Once there was an old gentleman hospitalised and given wrong medication that resulted in death.
The medication pouch was labelled 8, which means it's for patient in bed number 8, but he was in bed number 9.
Ouch ouch!!

So, why not a doctor??
Too big of a responsibility.
Playing too close to someone's life.
Scared me even before I enrolled in medicine faculty hahaha~~

And, why cooking??
When you forgot to put salt or whatever.
Simply put back the dish on the wok, put some salt, toss for a while, put back on the plate.
Ready to serve.
No fuss!!;p

Now you know why I dont want to be a doctor, why I hate baking, why I love cooking...